Frequently Asked Questions 1
How does the school identify children with Special Educational Needs?
- Listening to the views and concerns of the children.
- Close liaison with parents
- SENco discussions with class teachers and TA’s
- Regular assessments and tracking of progress
- Termly progress meetings between class teacher and head teacher.
- Termly planning meetings with Educational Psychologist
- Seeking advice from other professionals and/or making referrals to outside specialists where appropriate.
Who will explain my child's SEN support to me?
The child’s class teacher and the school SENCO
What school staff will work with my child on their SEN targets?
- Class teacher
- Teaching Assistant
- Specialist teacher
- Outside professionals
How does the school monitor the effectiveness of its SEN provision?
- Senco meetings with class teachers
- Graduated Approach - Individual Provision Maps
- Intervention monitoring
- Progress meetings with Head teacher
- Liaising with parents
- Lesson observations
- Book scrutiny
- Data Analysis
- Reports to governing body.
What role do the governors play in monitoring the school's SEN provision?
- To ask questions about what we do and how effective it is.
- To monitor our effectiveness in supporting those children with additional needs through planned visits and reports to governors.
- To ensure timely review of school policies.